在旅行中,花得最多錢不外是食住行,但我最花錢是在博物館消費,特別是musuem guide或者是特別展覽的場刊,不過令我最頭痛的,大背囊中一半是衣服,另一半就是這些印刷品。一般價錢大約£3-6,但專題展覽的場刊,要£10-20。
British Museum guide Chinese version,(07/2001), £6 - 是我做暑期工時老闆送給我的,那時身邊的人已經知道我很喜歡博物館
Museum of Scotland (08/2004), £2.5
Mummy: the inside story at the British Museum (09/2004), exclusive exhibition catalogue £5.99
Map: Colour plans & visitor information, The British Museum (09/2004), £2
The Mary Rose: Museum & Ship Hall, Portsmouth Historic Dockyards (12/2005), £4
The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (02/2005), £3.95
Livre D'Aneavx, The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (02/2005) £5.95
Tate Modern Guide, Tate Modern (2004 & 05,竟然買了兩本!), £2.99
Salisbury Museum (08/2005), £2.95
the guide 2005/6, Eden Project, Cornwall (09/2005), £4The Building of Bath, Bath (09/2005)
Bristol Museum & Art Gallery (09/2005)
Official Souvenir Guide, The Beatles Story, Liverpool (09/2005)
The Macclesfield Psalter, The Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge (09/2005) £2.99
Jorvik: The Viking City, Jorvik Centre, York (09/2005)
an illustrated guide, York Castle Museum (09/2005), £4
Time Team's Timechester: a companion to archaeology from Jorvik Centre (09/2005), £12 - 這不是第一次了,在書架隨意拿起一本書,隨意翻開幾頁,竟然找到作者的親筆簽名!快快快去付款走人。
Museum Highlights: A visual & audio souvenir, Museum of London (09/2005), £4.95
Museum guide, London's Transport Museum (09/2005), £5
Imperial War Museum London (11/2006), £3.95
Guide book, Victoria & Albert Museum (03/2005) £3.95
Guide book, Victoria & Albert Museum (06/2008) £5 (短短三年加了
£1.05) Babylon: Myth & Reality, Special exhibition at the British Museum (06/2009), exclusive exhibition catalogue £25
成功的博物館就是有人力物力為人民服務,也增加收入的機會,像大英博物館這些博物館龍頭老大,會為一個特別展覽出版不同產品,顧及不少消費者的需要,有£25一本catalogue,也有£9.99的袋裝小書,有時展覽完了,還推出特價優惠,£20三本 - Raphael, Babylon: City of Wonders, Shah 'Abbas & the Treasures of Imperial Iran,原價£9.99一本
From Pirate to Peacemaker, Royal Navy Submarine Museum (03/2009) £4.99